Past Is Prologue

There is a prophecy, known to the Esteri people, of the son of a King, blessed by the Goddess Vanda and her Children, who will be the Edge to defeat the coming darkness, and bring a hundred years of peace to Novaria. 

The Esteri are a race of survivors, not blessed with magic like the Elves or the Grimwalkin. They once ruled the Mid Lands for centuries, before the Lahtisians invaded and drove them north. The Esteri, driven by desperation and a King bent on establishing a new empire, invaded the Fatans, a race of magically gifted Elves, and claimed their homes and lands as their own. 

Unfortunately, they learned too late that it was the Fatans of old that fought the Lahtisians Horde and the Priests of Vanda keep the secret of the doom that will befall them all. 

If the prophecy is not fulfilled. 

PAST IS PROLOGUE will be available as an exclusive with a book bundle to be released near the end of June, 2017. Then it will be sold wide to all retailers.