Category: Grimoire Chronicles

September 9, 2016


Yes. She liiiiiives! And she’s been busy refilling that garden. Well, sort of OVER filling it. Getting ready for a much anticipated game’s release (FINAL FANTASY 15), so I’ve been gaming Final Fantasy 14 a LOT. For any readers who play, I’m on Balmung (cause you know, there’s Role Play there!) and I’m a White Mage. Not a very high level cause…I write more than I play. But, it’s my game of choice. 

So, for the update. Elemental Blood is released and the print book will be ready when the rest of them are ready. All 7 will be available at the same time (with books 1-3 revisions). At present, I am working on Chimes (after taking a two month detour on another book, which is now tabled till later). I tried that whole working on two books at the same time thing. 

That is not for me. I have to write one book at a time. 

So Chimes At Midnight is on the block and underway!! After getting a full revamp. Part of my process is below. Gives me a chance to see the whole book at once and rearrange things. I caught a few snags like this! Look forward to a few cover reveals this month!

January 22, 2016

Elemental Blood Cover Reveal!

Hello! Yes. I am alive, despite rumors to the contrary.

I know most readers are curious about the Eldritch Files and Elemental Blood. So, here is some news on the the series and book 7.

Book 7, Elemental Blood is now underway! Publication will be in March 2016. I know originally I said February, but the reasons for the extended period are below (and they reflect Amazon’s new warning notices on books with errors and formatting). Book 8, Elemental Dream, is tentatively scheduled for a July release. 

Schedule and Quality improvements. 

This month I contacted my editor and she is currently re-eding the entire Eldritch Files series for corrections and typos she finds and that readers have been so awesome to send me (she’s checking those as well, because sometimes what looks and sounds right, isn’t). Once finished, those books will be replaced. But this also means that I’ll be taking a bit longer on newer books, working harder to prevent mistakes from happening.

There will always be issues in books. Heck, my first traditionally published book had a dozen errors in it and a pretty bad continuity problem. But I’m going to make a concerted effort to bring the books up to quality for a better reading experience. All I can do is ask the readers to understand and continue to support the Eldritch Files as well as upcoming series. 

And to assure you that I’m not slowing down (just the preparation process is), here’s what’s coming next. 


CHIMES AT MIDNIGHT: I know, I know…“You’ve been talking about Chimes At Midnight for months!” And I have. But it’s in my schedule to finish now. Though this book isn’t slated as the end of the Grimoire Chronicles, it will be a pause.  ;)  

HEX & WOLF: Cover reveal for Book 2 in the Discord & Rhyme series! Book 1 gave you, the readers, some insight into Dharma and Ivan as characters and also advanced their story. Hex & Wolf goes into Kyle’s training with his new mentor down the path of Southern Conjure, as well as his relationship with Jack Roberts and his pack. [Covers by the awesome Lou Harper!] 

PS…. there’s also been discussion with Adrian Phoenix about a Sam / Dante short story.  *grins*  We’re gonna work on that. 

August 10, 2015


Bourbon HouseI’m back! No more traveling for a while. School starts today and I have books to write! But to catch up on the Summer, I’ll share a bit of our New Orleans vacation!

Ken Gunter, awesome friend and inspiration for Kyle (Ken also helped me with the first Zoe books!), joined me on my first venture into the Big Easy back in July. July is not a month I recommend spending in the south. Yes it’s easier to get a room somewhere, especially in the French Quarter, but you’ll melt your face off once you step outside. 

Damn it was hot

roastedoystersBut it was sooooo awesome. I fell in love with roasted oysters, bbq shrimp, and hurricanes. (My waistline has suffered immensely). The first thing he and I did was grab a cocktail at the Bourbon House and started indulging right away. 

After that, he introduced me to Bourbon Street. Ken had visited back in the late 90s. Me? Never, though I’d always wanted to. But life…she throws in her obstacles. ;) 

I’m pretty sure I walked around with a goofy grin on my face. The architecture got me. And I started to really, really understand what it “might” be like to live there (it also helped meeting up with a mutual friend who moved to New Orleans). So as an added bonus, before we ventured down to Pat O’Briens for hurricanes and dinner, he and I went to see where Bell, Book and Candle would be located. 

So for now, because I don’t want to make this a rambling, pointless babble, I’ll tell you a little secret…the building at the top of this post is the inspiration for Sam’s store and apartment. The closed up building on the right I sort of saw as their private parking, but only accessible in the back. I plan on giving this to my cover artist to see if she can render me a store front. 

All photos courtesy of Ken Gunter © 2015