November 8, 2022

Kickstarter Ends Soon!

This has been a wild ride. Educational. And humbling! Take it from someone who burned out a few years back, returning to this beloved world and its denizens, not to mention the added prodding of Loren Coleman and especially Anthea Sharpe, I am forever grateful to those who contributed to this campaign. 

The Campaign comes to a close on Thursday (I forgot I’d extended it from Tuesday to Thursday before I launched and my calendar still has Tuesday on it!). We broke 1K, which adds in Magician’s Game to Backers above $5.00 and that makes me happy. I want everyone to read about Dharma and Ivan, because they become a major part of the next series and the story’s evolution 

Take a last look at the Campaign by clicking HERE and see if you find any Reader Cookies for yourself. I will see you all in New Orleans again! 


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