November 4, 2020

Nanowrimo: 6,880 / 80,000

Slower word count this morning. I started re-reading Michael Sullivan’s Riyria Series and I swear, I love these books. So my head was in Fantasy, not Women’s Paranormal. I woke up and started reading and went—Oh! Nano!

But, I got half of a chapter done at 1,780 words. 

I actually need to look at the outline tonight and plot out the next few chapters. I’m just about at the inciting incident and it’s not that clear yet. But I don’t want too much “walking to the story” since that’ll probably be cut out, condensed, or reworked before final book. It’s just my opinion that in consecutive books, you need to catch the reader up on what’s happened to the characters since the last adventure.

So I might be doing a double entry on words today to equal my 2,500 daily count. 


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