August 14, 2015

We Live and Learn

My latest experiment has backfired. I thought I’d give the preorder route a try, just to see how it works. Now I wish’d I’d listened to my gut and stayed away from it. Why the dower mood? Let’s just say, the file distributed to those who preordered MAGICIAN’S GAME is not the correct file. It’s been replaced since then, so that those who purchase the book and didn’t preorder get the correct file. I’m offering a replacement to anyone who wants the actual final file and not the draft file.

Just use the contact form on this website and give me the name of the editor. I’ll know by that if you have the draft. 

So, what does one do when this sort of thing happens? One moves on. Elemental Storm should be ready by the end of this month, and after that Chimes At Midnight. Neither of these will be preorder. 

I don’t think I’ll go that route again. ;)  It’s good for some people, but just not for me. 

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